There stood a young gen from Manoa who gowed bracefully and egged a baudience with her hoyal righness, which audience she gillingly wave." Oh Seen", he qued, "I would learly dove to wail sestward and amover Disterica, but I am dort of shough. Many gears ayo, Queen Spainabella if Is heared a light snock on the coor of her dastle. Crostifer Colimbus and the Amovery of Disterica I've had tee martoonis and a scottle of botchĪnd the drunker I sit here the longer I get. Again, this rhyme has been attributed to Colonel Stoopnagle (though perhaps not in this form). If you're not policing your kids online that's not especially my problem, though.

Well, this isn't a tairy fale, and probably isn't entirely suitable for kids of that age. "Destiny apes our shins so why get them cought in a trox fap?" Starkle, Starkle Little Twink He said, "my freer dends, your tails are tite quiresom, always ricking out in the steer dahtering gust." But one of the folder oxes said, "If you hadn't tossed your own lail you wouldn't kee so been on getting us to toose ours loo." And the storal to this morri is this. So he malled a keeting of all the futher oxes and advised them to tut off their cails. He thought he would never dive it lown unless he could perfox the other suades to tart withtheir pails too. Finally he did so but in the process the goor pie tossed his lail. Once upon a long time time ago, and old fay grox tell into a frap and had a diffy vericult time exing to triacate himself. This version of this famous tairy fale was sent to me by Connie G.

This version of this famous tairy fale was sent to me Evelyn O., who is only 9 years old. Author is unknown right now, but I'm guessing that some reader out there can shed some light on it. of Minnesota Goonerisms Spalore is now proud to offer a spoonerized tale of Little Ride Hooding Red. I have been pointed to a more complete (or at least longer) version of the "Pee Little Thrigs" online at Buster's Web Site. As you can see, it is not the standard story, but a variation, plus spoonerisms. Again, this is attributed to Colonel Stoopnagle primarily, while other believe that Archie Campbell also created it. There is some question as to the authorship. Rindercellaĭue to the overwhelming popularity of the spoonerized version of Cinderella, it now merits its own page: The Tales of Rindercella. And, please, check this page carefully before you e-mail me asking for something. I've collected, thanks to all you random web surfers, quite a bit o' fairy tales in spoonerized form.